Thursday, December 28, 2006

Hazel Blears - woman of ambition (for herself)

The BBC is jumping though hoops again to get the reporting of Hazel Blears protesting against her own government's (and Party you hopeless left wing supporting excuses for news reporters) policy right. ( They have consistently failed to report that she is Chair of the Labour Party - it can't be the correct spin they are being told to use.)

Now this is the Hazel Blears who earlier had those meetings with the Health Secretary to understand where hospitals were being closed to check for marginal Labour constituencies, a role she had no shame over saying it was a legitimate political matter.

So what is the over paid chipmunk up to ?

Well we can be sure its not a sudden attach of principles - as she's kept her high paid government job. ( You might expect your MP to at least resign from the government over an issue like that - if the really felt that strongly.) But no our Hazel's pay check and fat public pension are undiminished by her sudden discovery of principles.

Maybe its a ploy to diffuse the real victims in all this - people who live in Conservative and Lib Dem constituencies who are having their health care savaged by Labour to poor money into their fiefdoms. [ How they'll play this is to say - look it impacts Labour continuencies too. Hazel on TV saying even her constintuency is suffering so all you Tory bastards can bloody well die faster wihtout a local A&E unit to get the life expenctancy down to the same across the country.]

Its either that - or our Hazel is continuing her campaign to be elected deputy leader ( or even leader - think of the public sector safe guaranteed pension and expenses that will follow that !!.

Possibly she thinks* she might loose her seat - if there is a hospital backlash.

Either way its not pretty.

(* OK I'm making a fairly bold assumption there - but I think she knows what she's doing.)

Update: Norfolk Blogger ( with mention in dispatches to Iain Dale ) has a good point about what Hazel may be up to here. Apparently she's having trouble getting a seat for the next election ... ho-ho.

Further Update: Iain Dale has a link here containing the following "In a scathing letter, former health boss Dr Ian Greatorex branded her actions `unprincipled'." Now thats go to be worth a read.

Are the armed services turning on each other or the government ?

I've just noticed a series of outspoken articles. Firstly from former and current Army top brass, with the Navy sniping from the side lines saying they had no problems in Afghanistan. Then the Navy getting worried about the carrier program being cancelled ( not likely given the jobs in Labour constituencies - especially Scotland - that this program safeguards ) and now the RAF feel they need to make the point about how useful Tornado fighters are in following airliners.

All this suggests the services are getting very nervous about a forthcoming financial crunch and radical measures that a new prime minister Brown might take ( Wilsonian canceling of the British Carriers and TSR-2 fighter plane come to mind - but then perhaps Wilson was a Soviet agent after all. The same can't be said of Brown.)

None of them really believe enough money will be made available and hence they appear to be lining up to fight each other. The first part of this is the PR onslaught that's starting now.

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

A merry Christmas to you all - except ...

... the manufacturers of packaging for Children's toys. You may wish to repent of the agony you inflict on parents of excited children who have to wait for 10 mins as Dad blunts yet another pair of scissors on industrial strength wire which now holds all toys in place. ( And then there's the search for the screw driver to get at the battery door ( oh why ! ) - only to discover the bloody thing takes AAA batteries and all the shops are closed for Christmas day).

I bet the three wise men never had these sort of problems.

Friday, December 22, 2006

The next star in the east

Could be from explosions ( maybe nuclear ) over Iran. Things are moving faster and especially Blair is sounding more truculent ( why ? ).

See Robert Fox's article in the First Post.

Man in a Shed has long thought war with Iran very likely, and quite soon. The consequences could be even more massive than the invasion of Iraq.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

The public thinks spinning is allied to lying.

The title is a quote out of John Redwood's blog post on party funding. I think he has is just right.

When NuLabour were elected Man in a Shed visited an old friend of the center ground variety who was seduced by the all things to all men message from NuLabour. I tried to explain how worrying NuLabour's approach was - with its mood music and communicating with peoples sub-conscious - democracy was being short circuited. How could you vote effectively when the NuLabour no longer engaged with the electorate's minds ? He didn't get it, which is maybe part of the point.

But the electorate's sub-consciousness are rebelling, and many politician's lack the faith in their cause- and prefer to refer to focus groups. Keeping their seats is their priority - risk and leadership are no longer effective or worth while. (Especially when there is so little in terms of policy at stake.)

This needs to change.

Ken Livingston vs Daniel Pipes

This has just popped into Man in a Shed's inbox. I can't go as I'll just have arrived back from America that day, but if anyone else is interested it should be entertaining. ( Listening to speeches live is always far better that the sanitised versions reported on TV where you are virtually told what to think by the reporter/commentator - who points out what he/she thought was the important part. If you listen yourself you may have a very different point of view !)

It would be nice if it wasn't just tree hugging naive lefties in the audience.

From the email:

Dear Reader:

Ken Livingston, the mayor of London, England, has invited me to debate him on Saturday, January 20, 2007, 10-12 a.m., at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in London. This event will be the centerpiece of a conference organized by the Greater London Authority, the city’s government, titled “A World Civilization or a Clash of Civilizations.”

For more details on the conference, see

To sign up for (free) tickets, go to

I would be delighted if you can attend.

Yours sincerely,

Daniel Pipes

Update (29Jan07):
Youtube video's of this debate are available here ... haven't looked at the myself as I must get some work done today, but I'll be checking them over latter on.

There are seven parts.

Parts 1 and 2 - Mayor Ken Livingstone's main presentation.
Parts 3 and 4 - Daniel Pipes presentation.
Part 5 - Salma Yaqoob's presentation
Part 6 - Douglas Murray's presentation.
Part 7 - The first of the floor questions.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Why does BMI self censor ?

Would BMI prevent a passenger from carrying a Bible to Saudi Arabia ? Then why stop a stewardess ?

Again we have cowering westerners doing the work of oppression on behalf of regime's and religions that haven't even asked them to do it.

Now Saudi Arabia's ban on religious books that aren't the Koran is strange, and in some ways an implicit admission of the weakness of the states faith. ( Who can forget the trouble caused to Saudia when it was pointed out that the letters s and a outlined a cross on the side of their airplanes - they had to repaint the whole lot !) But its not the business of BMI.

[ Old saudi livery - with added cross between s and a. Maybe BA should have a go ?]

However, I do think its time the Saudi's where challenged on their religious intolerance.

Monday, December 18, 2006

Negative memory of negative equity

Less we all forget.... our collective negative memory about equity.

Now you might think its an odd point for Tory to be bringing up. And your right it is! But I can't help thinking were in a housing bubble right now and the sooner its punctured the better for everyone.

The reports today that many flats are not even being rented out - just held for the capital rise. That's got to be a sign that the underlying value of property is being over estimated if its not worth working the asset.

Reporting on the front line spin

Richard North has a worrying article on the failure of the MSM to function on current British military activities here. He's also got an angle on the use of the military by Blair for his reflected glory and a comparison with the treatment provided to other politicians. If its true then it implies are large amount of collaboration with the NuLabour spin machine by civil servants and the military. Collaboration that would be entirely inappropriate and deeply disturbing.

When spin becomes a criminal offence !

Man in a Shed has for a long time thought that Blair is holding on to office for fear of something worse.

Spin and control of information can become criminal offences - as the Times is reporting today (link via Conservative Home - also see my earlier reading of a First Post article suggesting data capture and deletion may be NuLabour's undoing).

I still would like to see Blair prosecuted for misleading the country over Iraq - but if he gets done for something else first then I won't be disappointed.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Could a federal parliament save Britain ?

Dr Jonathan Munday describes an idea for a federated parliament over on Conservative Home. I've heard Iain Dale mentioning the same idea. I have to say the idea has quite a bit of merit - go and have a look for yourself here...

Just think how mad it would make all the fringe Celtic socialist spongers by taking away their personal gravy trains ! Its worth it just for that.

Blair kills 2 birds with one stone.

So I'm listening to Tony Blair (R4 1pm) explaining why a fraud inquiry should be dropped in the national interest. ( Saudi weapons sales. Shouldn't he declare an interest in that principle ?

Still gives his mate Lord Goldsmith practice at crushing potential prosecutions by citing the national interest.

Cynical ? Me !

PS I see Blair has no problem spinning what he said to the police after his interview - surely that could predujice a future prosecution by influencing future jury members ?

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Watergate at No 10 ?

Number 10 has done its best to minimise the impact of Antony Blair being interviewed by the police ( surely they realise he's a pretty straight sort of guy who's whiter than white ?).

They are trumpeting the key spin points - that the BBC is happily repeating. However, others are onto the sent of something else. See the attached from 'the mole' at the First Post.

Could data capture turn out to be the undoing of No 10 - with hard drives playing the part of audio tape from the Nixon disaster ?

One thing is certain - No 10 has played the hand it has to best effect today. Chosing a time to minimise the length of headline newtype tomorrow and with the BBC immediately buying their line ( hello Nick Robinson ). The truth will therefore be somewhat darker. Blair continues to cling to power in circumstances where its hard to understand why - without some further information ....

How many conspiracies where they expecting the Stevens report to squash ?

From the First Post email update:

From our Mole

“Because he was questioned neither under caution, nor accompanied by a lawyer, there is an assumption that this might be the end of the police interest in goings-on at No 10.

But I can reveal that for Downing Street staffers, at least, it's just the beginning. What the police now know, after examining the servers which run the Downing Street computers, and from examining evidence given by those who received Downing Street emails, is that several sent emails, relevant to the cash-for-honours affair, were deleted by staff after the police began their inquiry. “

Full story

Update: The Times is now starting to work on the Watergate angle here - and this approach is reported on Conservative Home today ! Good to be ahead of the curve ....

Operation Motorman on R4 The World at One

So the BBC has got round to it - well done.

Sunday Times guy on radio just now trying to muddy the waters. He's citing public interest defence.

You'll need to listen to it yourself. Its just over 15 mins through the programme 14 Dec 06.

Bring back Christmas !

Just found this site over at USS Neverdock.

Let the back lash against the politically correct begin !

No Father required in Labour !

Yes the undervaluing of men in the family is being pushed by the Labour government, who have decided that Father's are optional extras for IVF.

(Though of course they are still to be hunted down and shamed by whatever the successor organisation to the CSA is. Tougher - more press releases per year type NuLabour organisation.)

IDS and the Conservatives point out how family break down leads to major ills in society and Labour's responses are:

  1. Childish retorts about John Majors back to basics campaign.
  2. To abolish the requirement for Fathers in families at all !

Men can continue to look forward to discrimination against them in family courts, cancer services, presumed guilty on rape charges that involve alcohol, schooling and education and life expectancy.

If you hate men then - Vote Labour. The party of the man hater.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

MSM illegal activity ?

Iain Dale is running with this story from Lord Ashcroft's freedom of information activities.

In short a lot of the press seem to be involved in some highly suspect activities to gain information.

Iain reports:

"Yesterday on Lord it was revealed through a Freedom of Information request that 305 different journalists had been identified during Operation Motorman as using one particular agency to obtain confidential information like telephone records, bank account details and medical records."

For once the BBC and Newsnight could earn their state funded license fee and if they really are independent of government run with the story.

We will see.....

( As Iain points out Blogging about this may be the only way of getting the story out - so put a link in to his post on your blog if you think the story merits it ! ).

Update: The Telegraph looks like it is first in with a report here.

Tag BBC , Newsnight , Lord+Ashcroft.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Reid sees 'no evidence' for extending 28-day detention

What on Earth is going on ? see the Telegraph for details here.

Is Reid saying that no-one in the Labour government had any evidence for 90-days before ? Or has that evidence now been disproved ?

NuLabour have used this issue to beat up the Lib Dems and Conservatives. If they are now saying they had no evidence for wanting to imprison British subjects for the equivalent of a 6 months prison sentence - just who is going to resign for such a scandal ?

Am I the only one to see this doesn't add up ?

For Pension Scheme read Tax Scheme

So the government has decided to go for a single pension scheme. Its not compulsory yet - but don't rely on that continuing.

Whoever is the 'sole operator' is going to be in a position of immense power. If the government appoints the operator will the government also guarantee the pensions. ( Hint the answer starts with n and ends with o ).

This looks like the nationalisation of pension schemes to me.

"People will not be allowed to transfer money into or out of the new system from existing pension funds because this would undermine efforts to raise overall savings levels, the White Paper document said." - according to Reuters.

Does this look like National Insurance to anyone else ?

Employees and employers contribute to that. What is to stop a government in the future borrowing from this national savings scheme - say to meet civil service pensions of those who retire at 60 on final salary pensions ?

Of course they'll deny this - to start with. All I can say is remember Argentina and the grabbing of private pension there to pay civil service salaries. ( Do you really think that wouldn't happen here ? )

Who will decide how the money is invested - you can almost hear government ministers talking about the people's priorities - ie substituting for state spending. Given that all state spending these days is called investment - its not hard to see some of this money going astray. Even if it starts well ( as with the National Lottery ) - government just can't resist pots of money that are easy to identify and they have some influence over.

What this is, is a spectacular tax rise - sold as a pension. If they cared about pensions they would remove Gordon Browns GBP 5 Billion/year stealth tax on pensions and pay a decent basic pension - not just to the public service aristocracy.

Also see Argentina's more recent experience here ....

Update: The Daily Telegraph reports the following today (Weds 13 Dec)

"Actuaries and a prominent member of the Government back benches forecast another "pensions mis-selling scandal" similar to that which caused insurers to pay out £14 billion compensation during the past decade.

However, a technicality in the White Paper wording means nobody will be able to complain to the Financial Services Authority (FSA) if they are unhappy with the new pension.

Ros Altmann, a governor of the London School of Economics and a former adviser to the Treasury, said: "Because the new Personal Account is not being defined as a personal pension but as an occupational pension, consumers will have much less protection."

You have been warned !

Tag Pension, Tax+Rise , NuLabour.

The intra-faith war - Islam: Sunni vs Shia

Man in a Shed has for a number of years thought that war with Iran was very likely ( though equally undesirable ). I wonder if what I shouldn't be worried about is a larger war.

The following points today reinforce this foreboding:

1) The continued daily slaughter between the two main branches in Islam ( probably with the Sunni insurgents being the worse offenders. ) There's no point putting in a link hear - by the time I post this there will be more innocent bodies murdered and tortchured by people who claim Islam as their religion. The American's and British are now just acting like moderators to keep the rate of killing down, and perhaps in the process extending the indescribable agony of the decent people of Iraq. (Why are these demonic crimes never the subject of outrage and protest in Britain - only the invasion and occupation ?)
2) The Israelis have seemed fit to remind the Arab world that they are one of the worlds most potent nuclear powers ( more war heads than the UK ). Of course the Arab and Persian leaders know this well - but perhaps the Israelis want to remind their peoples. (Also note Israeli intelligence on the stability of the middle east will be good - they now feel its time to remind everyone what size stick they carry - which tells you something about where they see the Middle East going right now ).
3) The Saudi's and Jordanians are starting to get dragged into Iraq and are warning of far worse consequences if the British and Americans withdraw. Almost threatening war.
4) The mad mullah's (aka Iran) reorganising history at there "What Holocaust" meeting.
5) The murder of 3 innocent children in Gaza - whose father will no doubt want revenge and has the means to get it. This may help trigger civil war in Gaza. (Perhaps the aim of the assasins.)
6) Hezbollah trying to gain Shia ascendancy in Lebanon - with just 30% of the population.
7) Tony Blair, now impotent, seeking to increase his BA Exec club card to Gold by visiting the middle east to sort out the Arabs and the Jews.

Its rather hard to be optimistic when you look at things like this.

Hold the press - Tony Blair has just called Iran a threat ..... Does anyone know how much aviation fuel is being shipped to Diego Garcia at the moment ? One thing we've learned from the invasion of Iraq is that the long lead items for war need to be ordered some time in advance. ( The Americans do this - the British just short change their servicemen. )

Monday, December 11, 2006

Has Blair already been interviewed by the police ?

The mole over at The First Post is suspicious, and you know he's got a point. A lot of 'generated' news coming out of the government at the moment. (I'd add St Patricia appearing on the Today prog this morning - something she would be well advised to avoid at nearly all costs.)

Spin, deceit dirty tricks ? NuLabour ? It certainly fits.

But events say otherwise: Blair was interviewed between 11am and 1pm today (Thurs14Dec06) - not under caution. The spinning and questions are in full flow at the moment.

Labour dodge stamp duty

Now Gordon Brown is supposed to be very keen to stop tax evasion. But Guido has the socialists playing their usual hypocrisy here.

Man in a Shed has an offer to buy the end of his garden. It seemed like a lot of money, but when estate agency fees, stamp duty and moving costs (including of course the Shed) were added in it just wasn't worth it. Why move to a bigger property when the anti-southerner government will soon fire up property taxes to move money to its own marginal constituencies in the North and Scotland ?

One rule for the deranged, overpaid, under talented socialists - another for the rest of the population.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Central office should be rattled

Man in a Shed has been looking at the UKIP web site, to look at what other policies UKIP has. I'm not yet someone who wants to leave the EU, but I find the left of center triangulation noises coming out of the party very worrying.

The Poly Tonybee stuff is just crass and stupid
. If the leadership of the party really believes what has been reported then its going to lose the majority of its membership. I've made comments on other blogs ( just can't remember where just now ) to that effect.

The UK electoral system means it makes sense to have just one centre right party, but if the Conservative party goes left then that will become UKIP by default.

David Cameron - we all understand the necessity for the party to be viewed sympathetically and for us to reconnect with the wider population. Your a great performer in the commons and show good leadership capability - but is your heart in the right place ? I'm going to personally give you the benefit of the doubt for now, but its not a blank cheque, and I'm going to watch UKIP's development of policy very closely.

Legacy of the Barmy Army in Gelsencroydon

Man in a Shed is back from his trip to Germany and was generally impressed with the country. Even the run down bits are built to a high standard and all the people I met tried to be helpful ( the BA check in girl at Dusseldorf could aim at being a bit more skilled in her job).

On a stroll out in Gelesenkirchen on Monday night we ran into the end of the Christmas fair. Something that is done so well in Germany with some charm, and so terribly in our closed shopping centers.

Eating out at the Golden Gans - we got to see that lasting impression Army Group 'B' has left. Our hosts are slowly understanding the difference between the Union flag and the cross of St George. They also made a good effort at Christmas decorations of their own.

The potential split up of the UK will be most confusing for those people who have always liked the British. Like a divorce - who will get the friends ? ( We can of course, if it comes to it, put Northern Ireland up for adoption. )

Monday, December 04, 2006

100k - for an MP ? That's bloody ridiculous

Man in a Shed is of on his first business trip overseas for two years. Whilst wondering around Terminal one he spotted the Daily Mail headline that MP's are asking for GBP 100K/year.

I expect to earn about GBP 5k this year, getting my enterprise up and running. I'm taking real risks. Words fail me on how outrageous this demand is. Its a dam liberty. (I don't use strong language on this blog normally, but this has really annoyed me. )

I hope its not true.

Council tax will go up by around 5% - i.e. 200% "official" inflation. Public employees are the only one with decent pensions, rail fairs are going up by 5%. Don't even mention fuel and electricity.

I hope the blogsphere falls upon our alleged representatives like a pack of wolves. <b>Get too it</b>.

If I can get an internet connection where I'm going I'll check in to see how your all doing.

PS If this goes through then ordinary people should stand for parliament and offer to take only half the salary.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

A day out in Surrey

Brooklands museum ( that's has - as you can see airplanes - yes that's Concorde and a great car collection also) is a great afternoon out with the kids. Even better without them, though I've never managed to master that part.

Its part of Surrey's industrial heritage (yes Surrey does have one), and covers the glory days of British Motorsport and Aviation. Its also has none of that over designed and managed feeling that makes many modern museums like branches of a chain store.

Anyway I love it.

Ostentatious modesty inflated to the point of vanity

Jenny McCartney has a good article in today's Sunday Telegraph on the attention seeking female muslim garb questions that are a subject of popular debate.

In Christianity Jesus has taught us that those who make a large display of their religious adherence have already had their reward. God rewards what is done in private. Drawing attention to yourself to advertise how holy you are by wearing a black full body or head bag is just hypocrisy in our society. But, in my opinion, its really its a form of religious bullying of other muslim girls.

But I'm posting because I thought the phrase "Ostentatious modesty inflated to the point of vanity" that Jenny uses really cuts to the heart of the head covering argument in the UK.

Good article.

Friday, December 01, 2006

The Scottish Nationality Question

Man in a Shed was going to try and phrase this as the Scottish Question or the West End of Garden Question - but neither work. The Man in a Shed Question had little hope of becoming a catch phrase either.

But to get to the point....

If the so called Scottish Parliament ( really the Scottish regional assembly - it is not a national parliament for reasons I'll come onto ), wants to run a referendum on enriching the rest of the UK by turning down the annual giro cheques from London and declaring independence then surely all those who would become Scottish Nationals (and don't live in Scotland) should vote ?

I think that number south of the border might be as high as 2 million. Now their view would be key. If they go with the average view in England - then they will lend their support to independence ( they after all pay tax to subsidize Scottish services also ), however I suspect they will be very opposed to independence.

But you can't have a national vote unless everyone who would be in that nation gets to vote !

Could be tricky.

Man in a Shed thinks there should be two elections.

1) You (everyone in the UK) assign which nation you want to negotiate for you and who will represent you.

2) You vote on if that nation should stay in the UK and EU. Those elected in 1 go on to negotiate with that mandate.

Let the chips ( and deep fried mars bars ) fall where they will....

For the record Man in a Shed would be sad to see Scotland head off - but he'll get over it. It may be the only way for the Scots to rid themselves of the disease of socialism with a dose of harsh reality and hence be a necessary action. It'll keep socialism at bay in England too - making us wealthier far faster, as we don't vote that way in the first place.

Only the Labour Party can really lose ...

Lets get Dale ! (oh and 10 things I'll never do)

Having just blogged on bullying the Lets get Dale postline is looking a bit suspect, but bare with me. That chap Iain Dale has started one of those chain letter things on 10 things you'll never do here. And Buster George tagged me a few days ago. (Its just an a viral marketing thing - not a horror movie - so just ignore me if I tag you and you don't want to play.) What I suggest is that we play along but add his original post as a link. Soon his web site will be over run and he'll know better for next time !

OK here's my list

1) Vote Labour.
2) Wear jewelry.
3) Cycle on the pavement - unless knocked there air born by a car (yes that's happened before).
4) Pay to go to a premiership football match.
5) Say yes to that offer to spend a week looking into the drain system of a company in Lagos.
6) Allow people to describe my wife as my partner and go unchallenged.
7) Understand what's exciting about snooker.
8) Let my wife buy computer equipment.
9) Smoke.
10) Trust the French government - of whatever flavour.

OK - tagging is going to be for:

Update: Haven't tagged anyone yet - if you want to tag yourself, just say so in the comments... Otherwise it'll be a weekend job for me.