Thursday, November 30, 2006

Is Blair about to go very soon ?

The LibDemVoice is suggesting a major announcement for Monday. Blair has just given another rehash of his ideas on education ( an implicit admission of defeat as far as I can tell ).

If he waits longer then events may really skewer him - he may be made to look like he was going after an bad scandal or disastrous election results.

The NuLabour spin machine's eye is focused on middle England and may be about to strike again...

Update: Well I have to say I got this one totally wrong. Doesn't mean I'm not looking forward to the big day though. I still remember reading of Mrs T's resignation on a front page in a super market in Edinburgh. It made me feel sick - I suspect the reaction this time round will be more on the lines of celebration.

Tag Blair, Labour, NuLabour, Failure

The radiation scare and aircraft

Am I the only one to smell a rat here with John Reid's advice to call their GP or NHS direct ?

I'm just listening to The World at One and it appears there is almost no advice to give.

However there are a very large amount of frightened people.

Now whom would that benefit ?

Update: In fairness I think it may have been BA's advice. Looking at the BBC they suggest the Health protection agency. But the smell of rodent is still thick in the air....

Fraser Brown

Man in a Shed wishes Fraser Brown all the best in life. He is fortunate to have parents who have taken a positive approach, despite what must be their real shock and grief on hearing of his diagnosis of Cystic Fibrosis.

Hearing something like that - where the child you were holding yesterday for who you had an imagined future, suddenly has a different path to follow, is a real but private loss.

When this happens to public figures we all get a little insight into the important things in life.

Here is a link to Cystic Fibrosis Trust - where you can make a small donation if you'd like.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Why can citizen of the Irish Republic vote in UK general elections ?

Given how hard the government has cracked down on UK citizens over seas being able to vote on general elections, isn't it about time to ask why we still allow Irish citizens to vote in general elections in England, Scotland and Wales. ( I see the case for why they are allowed to vote in Northern Ireland. )

Could it be the way they are expected to vote ?

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Party funding and debt

Looking at all the main parties debt positions I'm shocked and disheartened.

Political parties should - in time - be banned from borrowing money. No case = no spending.

They need to learn about sound money - including the Conservative party.

When I get round robin letters from the party for more donations and realise they are so far in debt I ask myself what's the point ? I can spend the money better than they can.

Get this sorted out - now. (No sniggering at the back SNP/Plaid - wait till you see the debt situation your going to wind up with if independence goes through.)

The English Referendum (1979)

Just found this in the loft - its an old Punch cartoon from 1979 ! Question 12 seems to go to the root of the old problem (the text is below). But now Tony (Educated in Scotland - born in Scotland - he's Scottish) Blair has set up the anti-English constitution arrangement more drastic measures will be required.

1. From what you have seen and heard of the Scots (e.g. at football matches and on the Costa Brava) do you think they are capable of:
running their own country? Yes □ No □
running a fish supper shop? Yes □ No □
declaring UDI and expecting the English to finance them? Yes □ No □

2. To get the Callaghan Government off the hook, and ensure its return at the next election, would you be willing to pay heavily to support:
a power-crazed, breast-beating bureaucracy serving a nest of neo-Jacobites and red boilermakers on the Firth of Forth? Yes □ No □

a power-crazed, breast-beating bureaucracy serving a rabble of Jenkinses on the River Taff?
Yes □ No □

3. Under the Callaghan plan the Scots, if they are given their own Parliament, will still have the right to send their hairy MPs to Westminster, where they will be free to meddle in English affairs, while the English will be unable to offer mature guidance in theirs.
Is this right? Yes □ No □
Is it decent? Yes □ No □
Is it not absolutely iniquitous? Yes □ No □

4. Do you want to be free to disobey the Fourth Commandment without being nagged by killjoy MPs from the Highlands?
Yes □ No Q

5. When you hear Scots Nationalists talking about "their" North Sea oil, do you get:
Mildly irritated? □
Hopping mad? □
Severe cardiac symptoms? □
An urge to write and explain to them that all they own is bracken, heather and sheep dung? □
6. Do you think the "Highland clearances" should now be followed by the Lowland clearances?
Yes □ No □

7. Alternatively, are you in favour, even at this late stage, of building a high wall to contain the Scots in their native land?
Yes □ No □
How High? Ten feet □ Twenty feet G As high as humanly possible □
With broken glass on the top □

8. It is widely recognised that repatriation of Scots shop stewards from English factories and hospitals would mean that England would have no shop stewards left and might well be faced in consequence with a new era of prosperity.
Do you favour breaking these historic, sentimental links with Scotland?
Yes □ No □

9. The Scots and the French used to be linked in a treacherous "Auld Alliance," and probably still are. Do you think:
The Scots are more slippery than the French? Yes □ No □
The French are more slippery than the Scots? Yes □ No □
There is nothing to choose between them? Yes □ No □

10. Bearing in mind the fighting qualities of the Scots (e.g. at football matches and on the Costa Brava), and the claim of the Highland Division to have defeated Hitler without other assistance, would you be in favour of employing the Scots as mercenaries, like the Gurkhas, to pull English chestnuts out of the fire?
Yes □ No □

11. Bearing in mind that Kitchener in World War One was reluctant to allow the Welsh to have their own division, on the grounds that no one can be sure what a load of Taffies are really getting up to, would you be willing to allow the Welsh to be used as mercenaries, to pull English chestnuts out of the fire?
Yes □ No Q

12. Finally, do you not agree that Scots and Welsh affairs should continue to be dealt with as hitherto on occasional Friday afternoons at Westminster, thus sparing untutored Celts the distresses inseparable from attempts at self-government and thereby saving the English a great deal of money?
Yes □ No □

Monday, November 27, 2006

A BBC take on 18 Doughty Street

There's a BBC article on 18 Doughty Street here that's worth a read.

Thinking about, and often watching, 18 Doughty Street I find the political bias / impartiality issue to be a red herring. What I like about 18 Doughty Street is that it encourages thinking within the right of centre political movement in the UK.

BBC political shows are like football matches, but between at least 3 sides ( though till about a year ago Lib Dem's and Lab seemed to all be trying to score goals in the Conservative's net ).

18 Doughty Street is like getting into the training ground or dressing room and hearing tactics and issues being addressed by many people who are part of the same side.

There is not one strain of thought on the central right - why shouldn't we get to hear that debate ? It means that more party activists and interested parties can get up to speed on the ideas of the time.

This is something the inter party politics of the BBC and other broadcasters fail to deliver. ( And that's without even thinking if they are really unbiased after all ).

PS I note the BBC's link to 18 Doughty Street is to an old site - they just can't help themselves can they.

Tag BBC, 18+Doughty+Street

Sunday, November 26, 2006

BBC doesn't report unhappiness with the Union

The BBC must be in caught in the headlights of the constitutional balls-up that NuLabour ignited 9 years ago. This is possibly the start of one of the biggest news stories in the UK for 300 years, but the BBC ignores it.

John Major knew what he was talking about when he said their were 24 hrs to save the Union. The BBC whose very existence is under threat won't even on its front page the headlines that the majority of the English and Scots want Scotland independent.

Personally I think the divorce argument is over done - but this has been brought about by insufferable arrogance and crass stupidity by NuLabour and the Lib Dems.

Unless the discrimination against English people in the constitution and treasury settlement is solved then break up will come, and at least two of the main political parties won't survive it.

Spot the missing headline below ( see article in the Daily Telegraph here - spotted via Iain Dale's post ).

A similar page was on for the main (UK-Edition landing page ).

It doesn't even make the politics page headlines ( maybe its hidden away somewhere, but I can't see it ). The important news is Blair's triangulation about slavery - when his actions and misjudgment are directly leading to the break up of the country he's prime minister of.

Bias - its blatant. ( Blatant Bias Corporation .... )

(Note screen shots taken around 8:30-9pm 26Nov06).

Cross border MPs (England and Scotland)

Can anyone point to to information that shows:

How many MPs are born in England but represent Scottish constituencies .
How many MPs are born in Scotland but represent English constituencies .

Are there any Englishmen in the Scottish devolved Parliament ?

The reasons for asking should be obvious.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Imagine ...

... that Gordon Brown becomes Labour leader and for Gorbals Mick's sake let me add prime minister. But at the same time the SNP wins the Scottish devolved election and starts to negotiate for independence !

That leaves the Dour one in the same position as Gorbachove to Alex Salmond's Yeltsin.

Its not difficult if you try.....

PS I'll be back on Scottish independence shortly.

Further: Everyone has been thinking the big battle will be between Brown and Cameron for the future of Britain, but perhaps its really going to be between Brown and Salmond for Scotland !

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Autism is scary enough without the malice of bullying

The National Autistic Society (NAS) is running a campaign on autism which is making the headlines today with a report on bullying and autism.

I have a son who is has been diagnosed as having Autistic Spectrum Disorder and bullying is my major fear for him in the future. ( Not that his class mates aren't wonderful at his primary school.) But secondary school is a jungle with far to many opportunities for bullying to take place. A bit of awareness from staff, and pupils, goes a very long way (especially in helping those like my son with little social self awareness)- which is why the NAS are right to insist that all school teachers should have some training on autism. ( Its almost 1-100 kids right now, so each primary school teacher could expect to receive an autistic child once every 3 years, roughly.)

Autism is a puzzling condition. This morning as we walked to school a girl of his age walked beside him for the last 5 mins ( he's not bad looking ) and tried to get his attention, but my son was in a world of his own and just didn't see all the many small signals that someone gives out when they want to attract attention, like walking 1 Ft away by his side and following him. He didn't ignore her, in his mind he didn't see her.

Its time for his annual review for his statement soon. So I asked him what he didn't like about school and his answer was assemblies, as everyone shouts and makes a noise. But what he can't say is why he doesn't like them. Its not that its too loud - I'm always asking him to turn the volume down on the TV and computer. Its my estimation that its something about trying to listen to too many voices - which many of us can chose to ignore, but he can't ( an irony given the earlier paragraph ).

One of the best things we can all do to help autistic children is to realise they exist, and that some people may think in a way that really is alien to us. I hope its much harder to bully someone when you understand them and can to some degree empathise with them with that knowledge.

The NAS campaign deserves support.

There is also going to be a programme on Channel 5 on Sunday 26th Nov - which shows the life of a autistic girl. It promises to be intresting and might be a good introduction on the subject.

Update: That TV programme was absolutely fantastic, and spot on. I wish I'd been able to record it.


Adam Lebor's article over at the First Post on Darfur is worth a visit. By the way the First Post is now Man in Shed's favourite newspaper ( better on many levels than the Daily Telegraph - Man in a Shed only goes near the Times, Independent and the Guardian when he absolutely has to ).

It starts;

ike every previous agreement, the supposed compromise by which a combined African Union/UN force would be deployed to stop the carnage in Darfur has quickly proved worthless.
... link to article.

I hope David Cameron is going to force action on this issue.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Mad Russia

Whoever has tried to kill Alexander Litvinenko - it has all the hallmarks of the KGB.

Little can be proved to a criminal standard, but being an opponent of Putin is bad for your health and your wealth. The message is clear enough, from London, to the Ukraine and Georgia.

But what madness ! Russia is dying. Its population is imploding and they will soon have only 100 million - who will be supporting a ever aging population. They will be surrounded by growing populations in China and the Muslim world. It doesn't take officer training in the KGB to figure out where this is going in the long term.

Russia's oil and gas reserves that it is now using in place of the old military threat are counterproductive. They will suck up all the talent in the country, raises the value of its currency and kill its other industries, whilst allowing for the military expansion Putin plans to kill the other half of their economy.

What are they on ? ( Bootleg vodka is recent reports are to be believed. )

But this all has a direct impact on us. Russia, unless it changes course will fail as a state in the next 50 years and its failure will be spectacular.

Instead of countering the pathological trajectory of their country, Russia's leaders are reverting to their former occupations.

The British government needs to wake up on this. We should signal our intentions now - while giving such a signal still has some worth. Reprieve the Saxa Vord radar station would show Russia that we will not let our defences down.

The Reagan administration was right to be worried about the export of gas to western Europe from the then Soviet Union - as can now clearly be seen.

NuLabour politics just doesn't do long term ( unless its for targets they want credit for now - but don't believe they can achieve, or Gordon Brown spending your future money in his campaign to become PM. ) We need a functioning, thinking and strategic government in these increasingly dangerous times.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Why hasn't John Reid declared for Leader or Deputy

Its a good question - as every other washed up Labour politician who fears they may be too past it by the time Brown gives up the leadership has ?

Indeed why not take on Gordon Brown ?

Perhaps we don't know enough about Dr Reid. Blood & Treasure has some ideas here.

The real security threat

Just read an excellent, and reasoned speech from Paul Goodman MP ( Con Wycombe ) given in the debate on the Queens speech. Melanie Phillips quotes it whole on her blog here.

This is the sort of thing Parliament should be all about. It also homes in on the type of threat Islamism ( as Paul Goodman calls it ) or Islamo Fascism ( as I think is more appropriate ).

Paul Goodman makes clear that it is not the traditional Islam in Britain he is talking about, but the new wave of Islamism. He is the Conservative MP with the largest muslim population. So you can be sure his words have been carefully judged and considered.

Friday, November 17, 2006

We must be doing something right !

( The title is meant in both senses.)

The BBC report Matthew Taylor (outgoing No10 strategy advisor - not the Lib Dem mp ) having a little hissey fit about Blogging. He seems puzzled as to why the socialist controlled forums for communicating directly 'with the people' aren't enough. Citing the boy Millibloger's efforts (paid for by the tax payer) and the various stuff Downing street has been trying on over the last few days to show they are trying - in an organised socialist sort of way.

We're all shrill teenagers ( I wish ), apparently.

Taylor is reported as saying (emphasis is mine):

"I want people to have more power, but I want them to have more power in the context of a more mature discourse about the responsibilities of government and the responsibilities of citizens,"

That 'but' should make you worry. It has restrictions and control implied. I wonder what he, as a strategist is thinking ?

The BBC article starts by saying: Tony Blair's outgoing chief strategy adviser fears the internet could be fuelling a "crisis" in the relationship between politicians and voters.

What it should really have said is:
Tony Blair's outgoing chief strategy adviser fears the internet could be fuelling a "crisis" in the relationship between NuLabour politicians and voters.

Of course what he says doesn't matter much. It is in fact counter productive. NuLabour's success was based on controlling the message - and ruthlessly suppressing information and people it didn't like. Right now that's become impossible. However, how long before terrorism or such is used to curtail blogs and free expression on the net. Perhaps not as long as we might think.

James Cleverly takes Matthew Taylor to task here - saving me any more effort. West Brow blog also gets a mention in dispatches here.

Update: Iain Dale has managed to rope George Bush into his rebuttal !

Tag NuLabour, Matthew+Taylor

Tessa Jowell and Recess Monkey

Guido reports Recess Monkey seems to have had "an unfortunate accident" and lost a post he made earlier today concerning Tessa Jowell ( perhaps Lord Levy is helping him on the keyboard ;-) ).

Man in a Shed saw the Recess Monkey post and has retrieved a copy from his cache. I was about to post it - but am now wondering about any libel implications of doing so. Guido has not posted the text himself, and he's no fool.

Would it be libel to repost the comments of someone else ? Is it libel to report some one else's comments ? At what point would they become your own ? A blogger would have real trouble proving certain things were said, as a third party to events. Okay it is hardly likely to be in Tessa Jowells interest to sue - even if she has been libelled. But that shouldn't be the standard by which we judge our actions. Perhaps its part of a campaign to discredit her in the competition to become a highly paid, and underworked, replacement for John Prescott.

So the post stays in draft form. Perhaps I'm a wimp, but remember Mrs Mills is still married to a lawyer. Peoples reputations do matter, and the comments earlier reported by Recess Monkey may turn out to be unfounded.

90 days

Sounds like the title of a Film. But the plot is really about NuLabour blowing smoke in our eyes for its own security failures (Gordon Brown freezing security service spending), keeping Yates of the Yard out of the headlines, and trying to make a old Leftie War horse / borderline ex-communist John Reid ( did he vote, as Tony Blair did, against the prevention of terrorism act when the IRA only killed Tories and support CND against the continuing freedom of his country ? ) look tough compared to David Cameron.

Drinking from Home has a good post on the security side and what MI5 could really have been trying to say this week.


Man in a Shed has been running a business for a while now - mostly developing software ( no income yet - as no product released ). I have also just completed a short bit of consultancy work - for which I have just been paid.

What I want to share is how good it feels to have done something for yourself. To have set out a course and started to at least get something back from it. Working in big companies or (so help you) for the government is safe, better paid, but has hardly ever been as satisfying.

There's a long way to go, and much risk to be taken, but the first money coming in is a special day.

If your thinking of setting up a small business then this is one of the milestones to look forward to.

The bottle of champagne is in the fridge - hope you all have a good weekend too,

Man in a Shed.

I had originally thought of running a blog just on the business side - Shed Business - but there isn't really enough time for this blog, let alone another one. I may remove it shortly.

I've been looking at blogging in my professional domain with a link to my company. But I'm not sure I'd have time along with Man in a Shed. Every so often I think of stopping this blog - but then I see someone from NuLabour/Islamofacsists on TV who winds me up enough that I can't help but want to rant ( Lord Falconer for some reason just sets me off). So this blog is safe just now.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Future pub quiz question

What is the common link between these two pictures ?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

The Queen's speech by

During the last elections Man in a Shed had a sudden undergraduate type urge to set up a Blog and sign up to the Labour Party's supporters network to directly post onto that blog. So we could all enjoy their communications to their dwindeling supporters. But he held back at the last moment - thinking perhaps this was too much of a prank. So he didn't click on the final part of the process and for a long time no emails appeared (just as it should be).

But Hazel appears to be desperate - and has started sending out emails to people who never agreed to recieve them ( its called spamming ). So as far as I'm concerned they're fair game.

Looking though the email I notice that all of the links have a lot of code on them. It may mean they are trying to track who responds and to weed out the unreliable people - like Man in a Shed.

So here goes ....

Opportunity and security for all (but especially for Hazel)
Today we announced the priorities for government and have shown we are taking the right long-term decisions for the future of our country.[Unlike the last 9 years] This evening, Labour ministers will answer questions directly from members of the public.[Now they've had so much practice with Yates of the yard it'll be easy]

To submit your question click here[sorry had to remove this link as Labour may mointor who submits questions and bloke them off - you remeber how they treate pensioners at party conferences who say things they don't want to hear. Its not a straight forward URL] or text 'TALK' to 62233[then they'll have your phone number].

Our Queen's Speech is ambitious and bold[Really we still expect you to buy this - your after all gullable enough to be on the Labour suckers supporters network]. It outlines a programme for government which will build on our successes[so that won't take long], create opportunities[for us], enhance our security[job security you understand - by removing your liberty], and take the tough decisions in the interests of our
party's country's long-term future. Take our measures to tackle climate change[We'll be well out of office by the time you realise we were lying - I mean come on even Rory Bremner knows CO2 emmissions have been raising fast under Labour], or the tough action we are taking to tackle anti-social behaviour and crime[to making the Lib Dems look weak], or our proposals to reform pensions [by giving ourselves supper tacx payer funded final salary schemes and civil servants retiring at 60] linking them to earnings [in 2012 - we know you're too thick to realise this means your being done - after all you support us !] and ensure that millions more women will receive a full state pension [like me !].

This is a programme in tune with our values [yep - can't fault that], and in touch with the aspirations of the decent majority of [Labour party hangers on and think tank workers who hope to become rich as MPs in the future] hard-working people in Britain today [whom will, unlike us, be paying for all this].

To read more about the Queen's Speech, click here [Labour Statsi type link again I'm afraid].

Our 'Let's Talk' programme is about making sure that we are constantly listening to the public [this statement is just beyond parady] - building on the success of the last ten years but also refocusing today's challenges by extending opportunity and security in a changing world.
So it is important that you take part. Tell us what you think about our ideas and what we should be prioritising.
To submit your question click here or text 'TALK' to 62233*.
I and my ministerial colleagues are looking forward to hearing from you.
[Did I mention we are desperately short of members and may have to fund a rather large bill for over spend ourselves - and that other options are a bit difficult with Scotland yard snopping about]
Yours sincerely

p.s Being a member of a political party means a lot and in the coming months our members will be asked to elect a new Leader and Deputy Leader for the Labour Party [Please associate my name with deputy leader - sometime soon], and, for the first time in history, the next Prime Minister[ Don't tell Gorbels Mick]. Never before has the membership of any political party had such power to shape the future of British politics[I have blocked the memory of Mrs Thatcher from my mind], nor such a responsibility to the people of Britain, and the history of our movement. It is a responsibility and a privilege [for those drawing ministerial salaries which they would never come near to earning in the outside world]. We want as many members as possible [see funding criscis above] to take part in this historic election - this is your time, your opportunity. So, if you are not already a member of the Labour Party you can join by clicking here[Sorry another Stasi Link - Man in a Shed doesn't want to wake up in the morning to discover he's been joined up to the Labour Party !].

To unsubscribe please click here and tick the unsubscribe box at the bottom of the page. Privacy: we won't pass on your email address to anyone else. See Reproduced from an email not sent by the Labour Party, promoted by Peter Watt, General Secretary, the Labour Party, on behalf of the Labour Party, both at 39 Victoria Street, London, SW1H 0HA.

This email does not imply that an peerages, honours or quango jobs will be given - that can be traced.

Its not home work - its parent work

My 7 & 5 year old kids come home with 'home work' already. Only its not straight forward. It reading chapters of books, playing math games (some of which are wrong), doing number bonds( yep you heard right - times tables come latter - only everything is now in multiples of 10).

The exact requirements have to be acquired through interrogation techniques, threats ( no playing on the computer unless etc ), and rummaging through there bags for tell signs like spelling books, word lists and word tins.

But the real killer is that its parent supervised home work - aka teaching.

Our lives are busy - and we never had this home work when we were that young. Effectively the government - via the school is forcing us to home educate.

I'm amazed this isn't more of a national issue. I never liked home work the first time around - getting roped into your kids is just depressing. ( Especially when the actually know some of it better than me anyway !)

Wait to the daughter of Guido gets to school - then the world will know about it.

2/10 Must try harder.

Update: Just successfully side steps tonight's home work torture by offering to cook kids tea - its easier, trust me. (Wife has just made first threat to ban the computer - they're playing a 'maths game' - ie one person wins, the other cries. Its going to end badly ).

Are we being softened up to pay for the Banks mistakes ?

Today First Direct radically ditched its image as an efficient operation that cut costs by having no branches by charging an account fee of GBP10/month under certain circumstances. ( The low paid and students are going to be hit hard. )

Earlier this week I heard on the radio that credit card fees may be back.

Are alarm bells ringing in the Banks about debt ? Rather than cover their own mistakes out of share holders profits the plan is to fleece their customers for their own failures.

Be prepared to move your bank account very soon !

( In Man in a Shed's business a very similar move has just been made by Bank of Scotland charging a GBP15/month fee. )

To be fair perhaps bank account have always cost this much, and its been hidden from us. But I'm a bit skeptical - as you'll have noticed.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Civil war in Iraq

With the kidnapping of 150 Sunni Muslims, probably by Shia militia, in Baghdad its clear that a slow burn civil war is going on. US forces, and UK forces in the South, merely slow its rate down ( and maybe are extending the agony ).

Something like Rwanda and Srebrenica appears to be brewing up in Iraq - and the nations of the world (including all the Arabs) know this.

They will no doubt feign shock (the horror will be real) if it really spins up as US/UK forces leave, just as we all try not to imagine what is happening to these men.

The worlds turns its back, and prefers not to see or hear.

Update: The BBC has just started reporting that all those taken hostage have been released ! (No link yet)

Further update: It appears there are still 70 people not accounted for and their fate could be very distressing.

Even the Archbishop thinks the BBC is biased against Christians

The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu, has accused the BBC of bias against Christianity and says the broadcaster fears a terrorist backlash if it is critical of Islam. The archbishop, the second most senior figure in the Church of England's hierarchy, said Christians took "more knocks" than other faiths at the hands of the BBC. "They can do to us what they dare not do to the Muslims," he said. "We are fair game because they can get away with it. We don't go down there and say, 'We are going to bomb your place.' That is not in our nature."

Read the full article by Jonathan Petre here.

From my point of view this message is the one that most Christians many of the BBC's liberties with people's Christian faith (which I share). Now I'm not against criticism or hear other view points - but when that criticism isn't evenly spread out then it oppression.

Now I can almost hear Muslims saying - hold on have you looked at the headlines recently - well yes, the political nature of Islam is getting a roasting right now (veils for example are political - and also head scarves) and from the MSM and the blogsphere. But then so are the Labour, Lib Dem and Conservative parties. Christianity does not seek to impose an equivalent of Sharia law on its own followers or the followers of other religions.

What doesn't happen is any questioning of the basis of Islam. (Or am I missing something ?).

The good old days !

Sunday, November 12, 2006

What Labour uses civil servants for...

Go a read this on Labour watch (unless you have high blood pressure).

Surely this should be illegal ?

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Falconerphobia to be outlawed - Labour to crush freedom again !

Just heard Lord Falconer talking about reintroducing legislation against inciting religious hatred again. "Because we must show Britain isn't anti-Islamic" says Tony Blair's ex flat mate. The BBC is giving it the best spin possible.

Well lets say there is a theoretical religion [ yes really - this could apply to a number of religions I could name ], Falconerism lets pretend, that defines people who don't believe ( or surrender to it) as being anti-Falconers - Falconerphobic even !

Any criticism of Flaconerism - like pointing out that people who leave the faith should be shunned or killed - is Falconerphobic. Pointing out that in Falconerism countries no other religions are allowed and that a brutal and sadistic legal system murders its citizens is clear Falconerphobia. The religion of Falconer has been revealed and can never be questioned - and must only be read in its native NuLabour spinese.

Refusing to acquiesce to demands of Flaconerism or point out that they are a threat is likely to incite Falconerphobia and a prison sentence.

All buildings of new Falconer Temples - funded from strange over seas sources - must be allowed - even when there are no devotees (yet) living in the area, else that would be Falconerphobic. Retrospective planning permission must also meekly be given - whenever it is asked for.

Freedom is crushed - debate is driven underground and the law oppresses those who have a view that does not conform to Falconerism's demands.

All this is coming to our country unless the authoritarian NuLabour government is stopped.

If we lose the right to criticise religion then we will surely loose all our rights to any religion that demands we should have none.

PS If you voted for this government you should be deeply ashamed of yourself. As you should if you voted for the BNP. But if I lose the right to explain why, then soon you will lose the right to make your choices - even the wrong ones.

Also why does no one on the left worry about inciting Political Hatred ? (Just listen to the alleged liberal and concerned of the Guardian and BBC when they talk of "The Tories").

Tag Falconer, BBC+Bias, freedom

Friday, November 10, 2006

A thought provoking read: Credo - The Last Ditch

Via the facilities of MyBlogLog I tracked down the Blog "The Last Ditch", and in particular a post "Credo". Its a thought provoking peice of personal reflection and analysis of our society in relation to Christianity from the point of view of an Atheist. If you've got 5 minutes I recommend reading it.

(The Last Ditch is written by Tom Paine ).

Thursday, November 09, 2006

How do you hide the NHS disaster in the South East ?

The problem is that almost all the trusts in financial deficit are in the South East of England. How can you do the graphics on TV to avoid putting this message across ?

Channel 4's 7pm news solution is to show the regions one at a time to avoid bringing attention to the damage in the South East and leave the graphic on the frame with the North West as well as a Southern region.

Also lets call them heat maps so we can forget the Labour marginal heat map that Hazel Blears was clutching when discussing where the cuts will fall ( hint not in Labour marginals ).

How do the editors of Channel 4 sleep at night ?

(From my PDA - so a bit of clearing up on this latter).

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The war on terror makes little sense

Surely this is really a war on an enemy who uses terror. The term "war on terror" makes as much sense as "war on guns" or even "war on want".

It describes tactics, but not strategy. Perhaps this sheds light on the mess in Iraq. (The Afghan campaign at least makes some strategic sense).

Just a few idle lunch time thoughts....

And here's another - how long before the Iraqis who are cooperating with the US realise their fate is likely to be like that of the South Vietnamese US supporters? That will be the tipping point to disaster and unless the new US congress behaves itself it will precipitate this very soon.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The BBC still calls enforced marriage "rights for cohabiting couples"

The BBC, well Vivien Hardy partner with Boodle Hatfield solicitors to be precise, is pushing the news that there will be rights for cohabiting couples.

I've argued before that this is also enforced state marriage. But it seems I'm in a small minority here. Though Geisha seemed to get the point - see her comments at the end of that post.

I've heard that men and women have different views of cohabitation. Women feeling commitment on cohabiting, men only on marriage (but no doubt keeping that secret from their 'partner').

There's a get out clause of having a contract when you start cohabiting. So the old excuse of we don't need a piece of paper to prove our love darling will need a bit of radical reworking by the male sex.

Any ideas for what the new ploy will be ?

My suggestion is "Lets show that its not money keeping us together by signing this romantic contract darling". ( I should at this point say Man in a Shed has been married for at least 10 years - I have to check - but Yahoo Calendar reminds me of the key date that my Y chromosome refuses to allow me to memorise every year. )

One thing is for sure - lawyers will do well out of this. Maybe this is why Harriet is fast tracking this, perhaps as part of my elect me a deputy leader as I'm a woman campaign.

VAT Balls up

Man in a Shed - when I'm not wasting time surfing the blogsphere and internet - is running a small company. I've just got VAT registration, and interesting experience given that the words software component and potential import export seem to set of the master alarm at the VAT man & woman's HQ in the Welsh Valleys.

I'm learning. And the most blood chilling warnings are still ringing in my ears from accountants about the VAT man/woman and not messing them around.

I've learned that suppliers from the EU, outside the UK, shouldn't charge me VAT. But I've learnt it too late and its going to cost be about GBP 45 that I should not have been charged and can no longer recover.

But its a learning game running your own business and I've chalked it down to experience.

As coincidentally the Chancellor seems to have done with the GBP 1 Billion VAT bill he's forgotten to factor in to the London Olympics accounts. I guess he's still learning about EU rules - poor chap, could happen to anyone etc ... but hold on a minute !

  1. Its the people of London who will pay - not Gordon.
  2. Doesn't the government get the VAT back itself anyway ( or is there some odd EU tax grab here ?). So what this means is GBP 1 billion from London to the rest of the subsidised country - the Chancellor's home country for example.

Am I the only one to find all this rather odd coming just at a time the government needs to raise much more cash ? Blame it on the Olympics - we had to raise taxes gov, no alternative.

Update: The Commons Confidential Blog takes an even more cynical view ( am I going soft ) suggesting Gordon is going for the old Eurosausage ploy.

Douglas Murray at the New Culture Forum

There's a summary of this meeting here.

One point really strikes me will the majority of the population in the Netherlands really be Non-Dutch by 2017 !

Election night can be a lot of fun !

On UK elections Man in a Shed is up way too late armed with beer and the odd snifter of single malt whisky - shouting at the BBC's TV coverage. Switching to ITV and Sky and yet strangely heading back to the BBC site whilst waiting for Woking's result to come up on my laptop so I can go to bed.

But for the US mid terms there is an alternative - 18 Doughty Street. Could be fun if your an American and want to see Brits straining to understand the US electoral system - but without the America hating BBC slant.

However, possible best to switch of the MSN after the first few pints ;-).

If you can't wait go and look at MSNBC news here ... - see the election in the original American !

Monday, November 06, 2006

Blair does a Sion Simon type TV moment

You remember Sion Simon telling that nice Sky news presenter to shut up - well the same treatment is handed out by Tony Blair ( he's under so much pressure these days ). see Blair against death penalty .

Check it out on the BBC site here - and full post Hutton kudos to the BBC for having the gonads to show this. ( Maybe they realise Blair is on his way out too.)

Well done. ( But just in case they get cold feet someone better move it to YouTube - how do you do that ? )

Also credit to Guido for helping stir things up here.

Tag BBC,Tony+Blair

Sunday, November 05, 2006

This is a society where being born a woman is not a gift

More news that Tony Blair would rather you didn't read reported by Christina Lamb in The Sunday Times today.

In short the life for women in Afghanistan looks very brutal, and the Taliban are coming back to make it worse still.

Where are the demonstrations from British Muslim groups ? Some campaign for a 360 degree hood to place over British women's heads, but not for the terror and misery that their religion allows in countries like Afghanistan. (Or again the murder of Black Muslims by Arab Muslims in Darfur.)

Bishop Nazir is reported on a related line of argument in the Sunday times also (credit to Christopher Morgan).

These are themes I keep returning to because if we are to save our children (and especially our daughters) from a similar fate we must understand how the Islamofascist strategy of dual victim hood and dominion plays out in this world.

PS The post title is a quote from Alberto Cairo, an Italian doctor who runs the Red Cross clinic in Kabul where Gul Zam is being treated. As quoted in Christina Lamb's article. It just seemed to sum up the plight of these poor people.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Tony crony could help veto Blair prosecution ?

The First Post newsdesk report the following (highlights etc are mine):

Blair’s top lawyer to advise on cash for peerages charges

Scotland Yard officers have expressed concern about a plan that the attorney general, Lord Goldsmith, may have the final word on whether prosecutors bring charges in the cash for peerages inquiry. Officers wonder whether he will have the courage to endorse the prosecution of Tony Blair - the man who appointed him. Lord Goldsmith will be consulted by the Crown Prosecution Service and is expected to say whether charging the Prime Minister, or anyone else, is in the public interest.

So we are to expect the Tony Blair won't try and influence this ? He of trust me I'm a pretty sort of straight guy and the Hutton enquiry. The man who allowed a die hard socialist MP to become Speaker of parliamnet(1) and Labour supporting men to head up the BBC will turn his nose up at this ? He of the dodgy dossier, the man who still employs John Prescott and employed Peter Mandelson twice and then put him on the EU gravey train, and had Blunkett back twice.

I saw Shami Chakrabarti on Vox Politix talking about the possibility of needed a writen consitution. Like he I used to be against - but as she said what is the use of a gentleman's agreement when all the gentlemen have left the room ?

Even a cynic like myself would never have believed this 10 years ago - but then I have been continually shocked at the depravity of NuLabour, and I started from a fairly low opinion of them.

(1) Yes I know Blair voted for someone else - but he allowed it to happen. Convention was it should have been a Tory or Lib Dem as the next speaker. But the socialist haters of democracy wouldn't put up with that. )

Update: The Daily Telegraph web site is now reporting this ..

Further update: I was beginning to wonder where Guido has gone on this issue - but he's back and is painting a picture of rather determined inspector Knacker of the yard.... please please let this be true ...

Further Update: The BBC is saying Goldsmith will not over rule the CPS - however knowing NuLabour loves of weasel words and slick traps the fine print should be studied very closely indeed.

Friday, November 03, 2006

IE7 sets itself as default bowser on install

So Microsoft are up to their usual tricks again ....

Disappointing - they had seemed to be trying to mend their ways. But that must just have just been for show.

I've reverted to the excellent Firefox !

Update: See the Economist's take - they're mentioning IE7's support for standards (long a point on contention).

This will impact us all

John Keegan makes a good case for why the war between Iran (via Hezbollah) and Israel isn't over in today's Daily Telegraph. Iran has just been accused of blocking the return of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers and has stepped up its Nuclear program.

The hand ringing and weakness that the west showed in failing to support Israel earlier this year will lead to another war, and it will be much more dirty.

We are unprepared in the UK since much of our media, including the biased BBC, have portrayed Hezbollah as victims and victors (at the same time!). Our Muslim population believes they are being oppressed, and no one has stood up to them and made them think through their blind acceptance of whatever their religions leaders tell them.

This will get nasty and we have only ourselves to blame.