Friday, September 09, 2016

Is Theresa May trying to crash her government ?

When I first heard about the Grammar school proposal I was amused as the photographed document on the way into No10 is clearly a plant, and it shows the political skills of getting two bites of the media cherry for a policy.

I'm broadly in favour of more Grammar schools, but wonder if it isn't a further attempt to steal UKIP's clothes by a Conservative party who seems much more concerned about UKIP than it is Labour.

However, a further question has to be asked. Is Theresa trying to destroy her government, as a way of saving the EU's dominion over the United Kingdom ?

She's made a lot of enemies very quickly. The Toffs won't have liked their butchering in her reshuffle, and in case that didn't work attacking independent schools where they and their children attend today will reinforce the message. The hardened anti-UK re-moaners ( and there are plenty of them in what is laughingly called the Conservative party ) hate her for not allowing their more obvious schemes to destroy the Brexit mandate.

You can be sure that Grammar schools guarantees an almighty fight. Education failure and the destruction of life chances of middle class children is the dream and prime objective of the British left, along with the humiliation and extermination of our culture and Christian heritage. Its what gets them out of bed in the morning.

You can be sure the BBC will go nuts on this, its about the only thing that could force Brexit of the news cycle ( now there's a thought ...  and a motive).

But here's the problem - Theresa only has a narrow majority of a split party where she has just humiliated the former ruling faction. Not a formula for political success right ?

Is she really trying to sabotage her own government, knowing that its fall will save her beloved European Union ? Or is she trying to engineer an early general election given the Corbyn is likely to still be leading Labour ?Just a thought ...


Barnacle Bill said...

I would have expect Mrs. May to wait until the proposed constituency boundary changes were in place. Then she would have been assured of an almost total wipe out of Labour MPs. Both thru the ballot boxes and the boundary changes.

However, one has to question her picking another fight with-in her own party when she still has the outstanding divorce from the EU to sort out, let alone even get started with.

This was something that could have been left to a second term of her time at No. 10. So the timing of this proposal is very questionable. Especially linked to the snail like progress on even starting Brexit this year. Calling a snap general election could very well allow her the cloak to kill off the referendum vote result.

So until I actual see Article 50 invoked and hear Herr Junker told where to stuff his federal state, I won't hold my breath about June 23rd's decision being respected by the slippery eels at Westminster.

Rich Tee said...

Good article, but I understand that under the Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011 an early election "requires the assent of two-thirds of Parliament or the failure to form a new government after a no-confidence vote".

Rich Tee said...

OK, just read the Telegraph article, and I see that there is a suggestion how that Act could be circumvented.