Thursday, August 04, 2011

#SillyWeek Tory austerity reponsible for stranding of pilot whales

#SpinningForTheTUC_Uncut today announced that the evil Tories and their kitten murdering refusal to create a debt crisis and destroy the lives of our children by enslaving them to debt have directly lead to the death of a pod of pilot whales just off Scotland.

The Pilot Whales, all members of the RMT, stranded themselves in protest against Austerity and to show their support for #RedEd and his Trade Union owners.

The BBC will be running this story on Evil Tories on Today ( 6am, 7am, 8am leading items ), radio 5 live, BBC News channel ( repeating each 30 mins ) and a special aren't the Tories evil edition of Newsround.

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