Wednesday, May 14, 2008

You've now been given permission to ask ....

Or you will be to ask your employer for time of to train. [Context planned government legislation announced by Gordon Brown this afternoon.] So lets see how this works in practice:

    "Can I have some time of to do a training course ?"

    "Can I have some time of to do a training course ?"

The answer will, of course (no pun intended), be the same in both cases - at least in the private wealth making sector it will.

The following changes nothing (from BBC News report):

    The Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills said employers would be "legally obliged to seriously consider requests for training" but could refuse a request "where there was a good business reason to do so".
Legally consider - ie for 3 seconds.
Good business reason - you're needed for the job you were employed to do - now bugger of back to work.

My guess it will just drop productivity in the public sector, who live in a complete dream world anyway ....,

[ I am aware that many of the ideas rolled out were Conservative to start with - but even if its true in this case the idea is still rubbish. It will only help keep civil servants employed wasting time administering it and thousands of government bodies revising all their procedures to take it into account - my guess is thousands of man years wasted.. hold on we can guess how much:

There are around 17,504 primary schools and 3367 secondary schools in England.

Each one will require its procedures revising at a cost of say 10 man hours of salaried staff at say £25/hr. That's going to cost 25*10*(17504+3367) = £5,217,750 ie about £5Million. Add all the other government bodies, councils, quangos and what have you and I doubt you'll get change from £50 million. The private sector cost will be higher, and that's without considering the cost of the training that public sector organisations will be too afraid of legislation to refuse.

Just burning our money as usual ... ]


Letters From A Tory said...

In teaching, schools have a budget specifically allocated for staff training but it runs out by about Christmas because all the staff put in so many requests. Are schools now going to have to cough up, even if they can't afford it?

Man in a Shed said...

I think the public sector will be the main victim of this.

However you can say no on business grounds - having spent the money is a business ground I would have thought. (Which is my argument that this actually *means* little of any use.)

However in larger organisations, in my experience, training is used like a pack of smarties to keep people happy. (Smaller organisations have to watch the cash and mostly do on the job training anyway ).

What I think will happen is that people will become even more jealous of what everyone else is getting. Training will become the subject of a whole set of nasty disputes.

Many years ago I was sent of the wrong 3 week resdential engineer course because their was a woman in the department who hadn't had the course I needed to go on and they couldn't send me first - however they needed to tick my training box - so off I went for a very agreeable, but mostly wasted - 3 weeks in Holland. And that was a private sector company 18 years ago ! It must be far worse now....