Everyone is invited - except the English !
Let play a game of spot the Englishman at the British-Irish Council ....
No wonder the BBC didn't link to the site in its article (see below). But does the spin for Brown talking about NI and the great shed loads of cash that English tax payers are going to dole out to the Northern Irish as a bribe to stop killing themselves and bombing England.I suppose we are supposed to be grateful the "British Regions" isn't up there. Imagine it everyone is important except the English who are paying for this whole thing !
Update: See also the Waendel Journal - there's a great graphic of the UK their that kind of makes the point !
Further: The CEP blog has this also ( and a link back here, as well as to Tony.) I have to say all this gets me very worked up - I'm wondering if I should get a check up on the lines that Rachel Joyce has been helping the good people of Southall with !
Right - I'm off for a run round the block to keep the blood pressure down.
Just had a link to the graphic below posted in comments - thanks Anon 1.58pm !
Great post, shed man. My head is on regulo 15...
hmmmm ...I see the United Kingdom is www.number-10.gov.uk
Funny, I thought those were the contact details for the British Government. Aren't the United Kingdomers those plebs who keep losing the Eurovision Song Contest they pay for. Er, nothing changes, does it?
I've just emailed the British-Irish council, to ask why they are prejudiced against England. Tall Cousin
Hey.... isn't that a picture of the Celtic League? Otherwise known as the Let's Use History to Backup Our Bigotry And Hatred Of The English.....
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