Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quotas make clients - which is why the EU & the left loves them

The campaign to destroy men's career and lives takes a new turn today as the European Union moves to create arbitrary injustice against men throughout the private sector.

Their tool is to be arbitrary quotas in board rooms. These will ensure that proportion is based on gender not merit throughout most large institutions in the oppressed European Union area.

I've seen this work at first hand as male colleagues are refused courses and judged more harshly than female ones. I've seen large corporations base their lay-offs on ensure they hold onto their gold dust token employees and fire those who have families to feed.

Here's one conversation I had with a colleague at a blue chip company - "she's useless - but no one dares criticise her as she's our only female".

This fear and loathing is coming to the entire European Union shortly.

You'll notice no one suggests upper quotas on female graduates -yet, especially in professions that are disproportionately female - but it will come as it will create yet more of the desired products of this process.

Why because it creates clients. People who owe their positions to the bigoted discrimination laws and systems that secured their position against better and more worthy candidates. It uses this corruption to shore up the support for the rotten institutions that propose it,.

This is the real reason why the EU and the left are so keen on it.

1 comment:

James Higham said...

The campaign to destroy men's career and lives takes a new turn today as the European Union moves to create arbitrary injustice against men throughout the private sector.

Their tool is to be arbitrary quotas in board rooms. These will ensure that proportion is based on gender not merit throughout most large institutions in the oppressed European Union area.

Sigh - I don't need to write a post - just quote you, MiaS.