Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The West will regret wounding then fearing to finish Gaddafi

The Economist had an article last week on the various factions in the rebel movement against Gaddafi. The more militarily competent they were the more likely they were to switch sides - though perhaps with the Colonel's reputation few will labour under the illusion that this will save them.

Only direct intervention can now save the rebels. That means troops on the ground - and lets face it no one going to do that.

Their best hope is a cease fire. A no fly zone just won't help much or fast enough.

No one is asking for a cease fire, so I have to assume the rest is now for show.

The west will now have to deal with the Rabid Dog of the Desert who will be hell bent on revenge. I suspect certain UK oil contracts are likely to get cancelled. The west will scream sanctions and the Chinese will move in.

The BBC has gone quiet and pulled its star reporters back. No more egging on the revolution.

A spectacular home goal for the West. Mostly due to Barrack Hussein Obama who continues his quest to destroy Western interests around the world. ( Maybe it because his anti-British bigotry is getting in the way ? )

Soon the grim business of revenge in the desert will start - it will be out of the news camera's way terrifying and deadly. If Obama sleeps at night then he has no sense of shame.

See also Japan Times - The Libyan revolution's best hope? Egypt

    What happens to the rebels and their families after active resistance is crushed will be much worse. When political prisoners in Abu Salim prison staged a protest at jail conditions in 1996, Gadhafi had 1,200 of them massacred. All the people now fighting him, or helping the Libyan National Council that organizes resistance in the east, or just demonstrating against him, will be tracked down by his secret police. They and their families are doomed.
Its a fair point - what are other Arabs willing to do if they see massacres in the country next door?

And The Spectator Gaddafi's coming victory is a huge strategic setback for the West

In Parliament at Prime Minister's questions Sir Malcolm Rifkind raised the forlorn hope that only the Egyptian army could now save the rebels.

I fear the retribution that is to come will be obscene and predict the worlds media that cheered on the exuberant protesters will look away as the butcher sets about his methodical work.


James Higham said...

They don't want the rebels to succeed. Full stop.

Man in a Shed said...

Well it looks like the US may be having second thoughts as a UN resolution has gone through on no-fly - however I'm not sure that will be enough to stop Gaddafi.