Friday, July 24, 2009

I see a new ploy being born

There will be a lot of new parents who are rightly worried about swine flu and its potential impact on their young children. One such example is Rick Farrell who is reported by the BBC as having place himself in quarantine to keep his family safe ( its a BBC educate the public type story I suspect ).

    He said his wife Dolly had been bringing him food and drink, while he lives in a room with only a TV and computer for company.

Now I think I can't be the only bloke who says - hold on a minute - a room of peace a quiet where your food is bought to you and you have only a computer and TV - but no getting up in the night to feed baby or change nappies etc. This Mr Farrell is onto something "I see a new ploy being born".

Of course I wish Mr Farrell's family good health, but you can see the school for scoundrals potential here...

1 comment:

James Higham said...

The boy will go far with that ploy. Long live swine flu.