Sunday, April 06, 2008

Headcases - satire is back, hurray!

Just watched Headcases over on ITV1. From a right of centre stance the portrayal of Brown as a cross between a Dickens Scourge and Tony Hancock (in John Major grey no less) was very enjoyable. - note they've got Brown's fake smile down as a visual joke straight of the bat.

In fact so was the "Crickey its the Tories" sketch with the difficulty in mentioning Europe. The Toff element of Cameron and Osborne is countered by William Hague as the bitter swilling Yorkshireman.

I think politically this is going to damage the government far more than the opposition. The Lib Dems will be jumping up and down insisting they are relavant enough to have fun poked at them too ( lets face it Cleggover has been doing his best over the last week on that score ).

Alistair Campbell would have stopped a series like this ever being considered ....
What do you think ?

Update: Other comments from bloggers:
Not a Sheep thinks its middling - but may improve.
Donald Blaney thinks is just about worth the hype - and is looking forward to improvements.
Puppet Vision is a bit sad about moving from puppets to CGI ( perhaps no surprise there ).
Niall O'louglin (the art of) seemed to be under whelmed.
But the Clarkson fan club loves seeing their hero - in any form. See up-your-ego for more.


Ellee Seymour said...

I missed this, hope it will be repeated.

Man in a Shed said...


I'm guessing that you could use ITV's watch again facility here. Having said that I'd just tune in next week.

Curly said...

I quite enjoyed it, laughed a bit, and hoped that millions of others viewed a bit!