Monday, September 18, 2006

The BBC tries to understand political blogging

They have an online article here - well worth a read.

The battle of Iain Dales invite into the Lib Dem blog love-in also gets a mention. (Guido of course had his agents inside anyway - he doesn't seem to need permission !)

Interesting that NuLabour's problem is seen as being a control freak party. Can't think why ?

Extract below from the BBC article ( credit to Brian Wheeler BBC the reporter here )


The party would draw the line at personal abuse or obscenity but otherwise, he insists, anything goes - although, he adds, it sees blogs as a means of encouraging serious policy debate rather than a tool for spreading Westminster gossip.

"We want to create a space for dialogue and debate. We are absolutely confident that Labour values can win that debate."

But can a party-endorsed blog, of whatever persuasion, ever compete for openness and interest with an independent voice?

And by providing access and facilities to bloggers, are the parties merely attempting to co-opt and neutralise potential critics?

"They are trying to draw it close to their chests and keep control," says Tim Ireland, who runs the long-established Bloggerheads site.

"What the parties should be doing is trying to educate their MPs and activists about blogging."

The big question is: If the bloggers at this year's party conferences stray too far off-message will they be invited back?

(Hat tip to brother of Man in a Shed who put him onto this ).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed reading this, I had missed this BBC report. The answer to the last question is yes, I'm sure bloggers will be invited back, it is going to make reports so much more interesting.