The Sting
One of the noticeable things about this general election campaign is how the media is playing the man, rather than the ball.
What do I mean by that ?
Well I can't remember as many stings being executed at all of the legacy parties before. It's like the MSM had a particular axe to grind.
Not that I'm complaint mind, just saying...
I have just read something that made me realise that these stings are a side-effect of the change to fixed-term parliaments.
Since the media and other organisations now know when a General Election will occur, they have more incentive to set up stings that can be revealed during the campaign period.
Yes that's a good point.
There are a number of other implications for campaigning of fixed term parliaments - not least is the use of parliament itself as a campaigning tool. PMQs favour incumbent parties over insurgents.
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