Monday, March 21, 2011

East and West Libya ?

One of the achievable things for the powers who are implementing the protection of Libyan civilians from their own government may be to restore the balance of power between the rebels and the government.

But if deeper divisions such a tribal loyalties turn out to be key it may become necessary to divide Libya.

If this happens the key issue will be possession of the central oil downs that Gaddafi's armed forces pushed the rebels from.

A shrunken West Libya under the Gaddafi's would be a rump state short of perhaps much of its oil, and much more manageable.

How long before this becomes official policy I wonder ?

Update: And here it starts "It sounds like a way out of stalemate – but it’s fraught with problems" Venetia Rainey - The First Post

Note from the map above that East Libya would hold a significant part of the oil facilities and fields.

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