Friday, February 11, 2011

We should be fighting the tentacles of the parasite

I'm very disturbed by the news that the crude social engineering in university admissions for triangulation initiative is being permitted to appease the Lib Dems. What this really amounts to is quotas, where the government decides politically who deserves to go to which university.

This for of government favour will inevitably become a negotiating point as parties compete to exchange places for votes.

What is worse is its something Labour never dared to do in its 13 years in office. But now its been established and accepted by the Coalition, we can expect Labour to go further when they get back into power - which is very likely to be within the next five years.

The problem has been identified by Benedict Brogan well earlier this week - the tentacles of the state now reach everywhere. Everyone's a client - from tax credits, sure start centres, green energy subsidies, free other peoples cash for kids initiatives, bus passes for bribing voters etc. Just as everyone's a victim who need rights from the state to keep their place in society ( gays, students with poor grades but good political contacts (see David Miliband), Muslims, Atheists etc etc ).

Any if everyone's a client of the state, then they will vote for the party that keeps the state big and well fed - regardless of the fact it hurts more people than it helps ( you see socialism has figured out how to tie into peoples selfish nasty nature also ).

A Conservative government should be hacking of the tentacles of the state like a crazed axeman, because the pendulum will swing and soon Labour will be checking how their ratchet policies worked and planning the next step to universal poverty and destitution.

But being tied to the deadbeat Lib Dems is making that impossible. And if we can't do that effectively then we are doing more harm than good.

So whilst I was a supporter of the Coalition thinking the economic crisis demanded putting the nation first, I'm no longer convinced that's what we're doing and the concerns of not fighting the cancerous state back out weigh the issue of a potential crisis.

Perhaps the crisis can't be avoided any more, as without it no one will accept the necessary measures.

I asked myself at the start of this government if David Cameron would turn out to be more of a Ted Heath or a Margaret Thatcher - I'm afraid that thanks to Nick Clegg and the dismal Lib Dems it look like we've got a Ted and the big crisis will have to come to give us the government we need. That will take about 10 years and will lead to much suffering and anguish.

The priority for political activists on the right has to therefore be long term politics, a period of time in which party allegiance becomes a variable, because it looks very much like worse is yet to come. And to dig us out of the hole socialism and its appeasers are creating in this country is going to require coherent ideology and courage, not fuzzy triangulation and appeasement.

I've said before that in my nightmares Peter Hitchens is right. Well things are frightening enough, I'm now wondering why I can't wake up...

See also Simon Heffer today...

1 comment:

Rich Tee said...

I suspect that Peter Hitchens is right too. I am so suspicious about my MP that I started a blog to watch what she gets up to. Labour aren't very happy about it and have contacted me already.

She is a "progressive" who has been given responsibility for pensions which is pretty scary given Brown's pension raid a few years ago.