Saturday, August 08, 2009

40 more years in Afghanistan - I don't think so

Gen Sir David Richards thinks that the UK could be involved in Afghanistan for 40 more years.

That's a colonial type mission.

Its also one that has zero public or democratic support. We admire our soldiers, airmen, marines and sailors - but we don't trust the current government that leads them.

Its now very clear the government has had little idea of what it is doing in Afghanistan, from John Reid's laughable mission without a shot being fired to the ever faithful pro-Liebour government reports from the BBC calling Helmand as always the toughest province ( not something they pointed out when British forces were ordered there to help with reconstruction ).

But the 40 year statement is a signal from the military.

I suspect they think its unpalitable and hope to bump our political leadership into giving some direction and plan - and/or resources to define then complete what ever the mission is.

Its a cry for leadership.

Its clear it won't be answered before June 2010, but the Conservatives need to start doing some very hard thinking on our answer.

Because body bags from Afghanistan filled with children who won't even be born for 20 years are not going to be politically acceptable. ( Its no good winging about comfort to the enemy etc - you need to sit down at the start of these things and work out the price that your willing to pay or else change strategy ).


Mark Wadsworth said...

The answer is simple.

Get our troops out as far as possible and start sourcing opiates from Afgh rather than from Tasmania. Then sit back and wait for five years and see how things develop.

James Higham said...

Its also one that has zero public or democratic support. We admire our soldiers, airmen, marines and sailors - but we don't trust the current government that leads them.


Wyrdtimes said...

Mark is right. Sadly none of our leaders seem to have worked it out.

Troops out and provide a legitimate market for the opium. I've been saying it for years and I will continue to say so.

Training camps that threaten the "UK" can be illuminated as and when by a combination of intelligence, special forces and precision bombing.

Mass troops on the ground was a huge strategic blunder - the men who set that in motion are idiots and worse.

Fausty said...

It makes you wonder why Cameron is proposing a Minister for Afghanistan. FFS.

To date, I've not heard one argument which justifies our being there. Britain's brains can surely formulate a better policy than war.

Or does the military industrial complex have lobby power?

Let's see what directorships current MPs get when they're booted out in 2010.

Wyrdtimes said...

er... "illuminated" as in eliminated - over enthusiastic spell checking.

Although I suppose they would light up the sky.

Fausty said "Or does the military industrial complex have lobby power? "

War is big business possibly THE biggest business. Certainly will be interesting watching those directorships.